Reconfigurability. Flexibility: Moderco single panel moveable wall systems, solid or glass, are used to create flexible workplaces that are easily reconfigured to accommodate different team sizes, project needs and workflow providing the most efficient use of space.
Variety of surfaces and appearance. Aesthetics: Moderco partitions are available with an infinite variety of surfaces and appearances. Vinyl. Fabric. Sound absorbent carpeting. Wood veneer. Plastic laminate. Marker boards. Tackable surfaces. Uncovered for covering in the field. We will install a covering of your choice. Marker boards. Magnetic surfaces. Murals. Corporate logos etc. Just ask and we will work with you to satisfy your personal needs and aesthetics.
Visual and Acoustic privacy: Moderco moveable wall systems separate space providing confident visual & acoustic privacy (STC ratings up to 55) in an infinite number of configurations with the ability to totally open up the space if desired.
Solid or glass walls: Various acoustically rated (up to STC 55) solid panel systems (that also come with pass doors, windows, and other accessories) or sound rated ( up to STC 44) and non-rated “see through” glass systems (Moderco Glass systems are the tallest available in the industry). The results that are the most important to you will determine your choice of solid or glass. We can guide you through your options and assist in the selection of the best mix of products.
Safety & Security: Both solid and glass systems can be “locked” into place using manually activated operable top and bottom seal systems (unique to Moderco using a removeable key) that prevent unauthorized use and operation. Without the “key” the wall cannot be relocated. An additional layer of safety for occupants.
Employee satisfaction, focus work & eliminate distraction: Having the option of privacy by means of varied space division configurations or opening the entire area allows for choice. Associates can intermingle or work in private. Conference rooms. Cafeteria areas one minute – a meeting area the next. Total or partial reconfiguration limited only by the design of the custom designed Moderco overhead track layout.
Competitively priced as compared to traditional walls. Moderco moveable walls are a cost-effective solution for areas that need to create additional workspaces or reconfigure existing space without the expense of building (and/or tearing down) existing walls. Initial cost is higher. Beneficial on a long-term basis.
Quality. Moderco moveable wall systems are designed to be moved and take abuse. Built to last. Extended warranties some lifetime. Structural welded steel frames or light weight steel reinforced aluminum frames, steel or gypsum skins, durable aesthetically pleasing panel coverings, panel edge trim (or trimless) providing additional protection for panel surfaces. Upfront and built in quality reduces maintenance costs and prolongs life.
Call Moderco at 1-800-363-3150 to arrange a personal meeting to discuss your needs. No obligation. Just Information you can use.