Typically the three main factors in determining acceptable moveable wall suppliers at the specification stage of a project are
- Name Recognition ( Familiarity. Proven history of performance, Case studies).
- Budget pricing that complies with the overall project budget.
- STC (A measurement that permits acoustic comparison of different moveable walls).
Below you will find a chart that, to the best of our knowledge and based on published information, summarizes the manual moveable wall products available from the four most commonly used and recognizable North American manufacturers (Moderco, Modernfold, Hufcor, KwikWall). The chart includes Manufacturer’s Name, Web-Site address, Model numbers, Configuration (Single or Paired), Panel Thickness, composition of panel skins and STC.

On the assumption, based on the needs of the project, you have determined whether the configuration will be Single Panels or Paired Panels (If you are unsure please contact Moderco so we can recommend the proper product) the next decision – selecting the proper STC – is probably the most important one you will make. The acoustic success of the project is dependent on this decision.
It is generally accepted that 1 STC value is approximately equal to 1 dB (loudness). The human ear is not capable of incapable of detecting a difference of 1 dB. In other words STC’s +/- 1 are equal (example an STC 50 is equal/equivalent to an STC 49 or 51). Read the following for independent verification:
How are STC values categorized?
- STC: > 53 +/-1. - High
- STC: 50 +/- 1 to 52 +/- 1 - Medium
- STC: < 50 - Low
Recommended STC values for the most common applications can be generally categorized as follows:
- Office: High
- Hospitality: Medium to High
- Education: Low to Medium
- Healthcare: Medium
- Religious: Low to Medium
To specifically determine equal/equivalent STC values and Model numbers of the 4 primary manufacturers Click on this link
Using this information you will be able to quickly select equal products, subject to maximum height limitations of various models, in order to ensure correct equivalents & competitive bidding. For additional information, clarification or general questions contact Moderco at 1 800 363-3150.